Vertebral Augmentation
In-depth Vertebral Augmentation course with expert insights on techniques, complications, and future trends.
How do patients with vertebral compression fractures get worked up in your practice?
What proportion of fractures are you treating from unipedicular access vs bipedicular?
What's your endpoint when treating these as far as cement fill?
Tell us about your approach to anesthesia and positioning for these patients
How does your approach change higher up in the vertebral column?
What is the Kyphon assist and do you still do a single inflation when using the Kyphon assist?
Module I Quiz
CME/CE Reflection: Module I
Why do you believe vertebral augmentation is one of the best things you can do for people?
What are some newer devices for augmentation on the horizon?
How do you approach the dreaded complication of cement embolization?
How do you recognize complications and how do you avoid them while putting in cement?
Can you talk about the importance of meticulous technique and managing extravasation?
How do you decide vertebroplasty vs kyphoplasty vs implant augmentation?
Module II Quiz
CME/CE Reflection: Module II
Can you talk about your approach for cases outside the vertebral bodies?
How do you manage doing these complex procedures with lean equipment?
Can you talk about developing the visual spatial skills for this kind of work?
Tell us about intradiscal augmentation and interspinous spacers
What are we waiting on to see some of these new devices come to market?
Tell us about more resources to learn and why IR's should be learning the art of intrathecal therapy?
Module III Quiz
CME/CE Reflection: Module III