
    1. Trauma Embolizations Intro

    1. How did you get into Trauma?

    2. How is your trauma team at University of Washington organized and what is the time expectation for you in terms of availability?

    3. What do you consider the indications for performing embolization for solid organ trauma?

    4. How do you select your embolization device knowing the vessel size will change post procedure?

    5. What microcatheters and coils are you routinely using in trauma embolizations?

    6. Why does proximal vs distal splenic embolization matter and what is the goal?

    7. What do you see on angiography that lets you know your coil is under or oversized?

    8. How do you approach embolizing the liver in the case of trauma?

    9. How do you approach embolization for renal trauma?

    10. Can you discuss the study you and colleagues did about pelvic trauma?

    11. Do you gel foam the internal iliac after coiling and do you think the way you mix the gel foam makes a difference?

    12. How much gel foam pad and contrast are you using on a diffuse injury?

    13. CME/CE Reflection: Module I

    1. How do splenic trauma patients present and what are the grades of splenic injury?

    2. How do you decide to take these splenic trauma patients to the IR or OR?

    3. Do you have an idea based off of CT if you're going to embolize or do you wait and see once you get in there?

    4. Does the tortuosity of the splenic artery help you decide what kind of embolization device to use?

    5. Would you ever consider a liquid embolic for splenic embolization?

    6. What is hypersplenism and how are these patients presenting?

    7. How are you treating splenic aneurysms with coils in your practice?

    8. CME/CE Reflection: Module II

    1. Can you talk about IRs relationship with Trauma and how is renal trauma presenting in your practice?

    2. Do all renal trauma patients require CTA, or do you ever go straight to angiography?

    3. Which patients fall into the "watch and wait" category?

    4. How do you prep the patient for a possible renal embolization - femoral or radial access?

    5. How do you go about picking your microcatheter and embolization device?

    6. Do you use detachable or pushable coils for renal embolizations, and how do you use them with the smaller microcatheters?

    7. After placing your embolization coils how do you evaluate?

    8. What does your post care look like and how long do you continue to follow these patients?

    9. CME/CE Reflection: Module III

    1. Penetrating Trauma Liver Embolization Case Review with Dr. Osman Ahmed

    2. Review Questions

    3. CME/CE Reflection: Module IV

About this course

  • 34 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of content
  • Earn up to 4 CME/CE credits