
    1. When are you most commonly seeing dissections and what's your algorithm for a flow limiting dissection?

    2. How does dissection length determine deciding on placing a tack vs stent?

    3. What is your deployment method for tack and is it complicated?

    4. Do you have any guidance on the tack sizing and what size for what vessel; Do you use multiple tack devices at once?

    5. Do you tend to overlap, or leave gaps when deploying Tack?

    6. Are there any differences on surveillance duplex imaging between tack and stents to look for?

    7. Have you found any off-label applications for the Tack device?

    8. CME/CE Reflection: Module I

    1. What makes the distal fem-pop area so tough to treat?

    2. When do you use a tack as your scaffold?

    3. What are the benefits and challenges of using supera in the distal fem-pop region?

    4. What makes the Biomimetic stent different? Is there anything else advantageous about the design?

    5. In which cases are you using the Biomimetics stent for distal fem-pop disease?

    6. When do you use Biomimetics stent vs Supera stent in distal fem-pop disease?

    7. What are you using for distal popliteal and trifurcation disease?

    8. CME/CE Reflection: Module II

    1. How has the specialty balloon space evolved over time?

    2. How does serration angioplasty solve for recoil and reduce the need to stent?

    3. How well does the serration balloon track over calcified vessels?

    4. How do you size the ballon and what's your primary technical goal with serration angioplasty?

    5. Is there a decrease in embolization with serration angioplasty?

    6. What is a good case to start with for anyone looking to try this?

    7. CME/CE Reflection: Module III

    1. Endovascular treatment of a recurrent CFA bifurcation lesion with Dr. Kevin Herman

About this course

  • 24 lessons
  • 1 hour of content
  • Earn up to 3 CME/CE credits