
    1. What sparked your interest in creating a service to help docs market themselves?

    2. How important is it to be able to track your digital marketing?

    3. Is there an algorithm people should follow for digital vs personal marketing

    4. What are some key things docs should look for in their digital marketing company?

    5. What are some marketing strategies or pitfalls that have become tired or worn out?

    6. What are the reasons to use digital eligibility quizzes?

    7. What is a CRM and how can that help docs track leads?

    8. CME/CE Reflection: Module I

    1. Can you tell us about the procedures you've had success with using on television and radio ads?

    2. How does the audience on traditional radio compare to streaming and is it just a numbers game?

    3. Can you tell us about how doctors get on tv, and how much of their marketing spend should go towards radio and television?

    4. Is it labor intensive in terms of production and preparation to put these ads together?

    5. Do you use analytics to determine when/how people are consuming ad content?

    6. Any bad marketing investments or projects that have not gone well?

    7. How are you tracking the ROI on these things?

    8. What is your time spend on marketing, and what would be your advice for someone trying to find a marketing person?

    9. What's your vision for the future of marketing for OBLs?

    10. CME/CE Reflection: Module II

About this course

  • 18 lessons
  • 1 hour of content
  • Earn up to 2 CME/CE credits