
    1. Why do we care about venous disease and why is it that big of a problem?

    2. Can you talk about how these deep venous patients present?

    3. What do you offer these patients and how do you take ownership?

    4. What is the workup for a patient presenting in your clinic?

    5. How do you tease out venous hypertension symptoms from other concurrent symptoms?

    6. What are some of the conservative treatments that you may initiate during the clinic visit and what are venoactives?

    7. What do you do to get your patient ready on the day of procedure?

    8. Tell us about patient positioning and access sites

    9. Can you talk about the relevant anatomy?

    10. What tools do you use to cross an occlusion?

    11. How does your approach change in a non-thrombotic patient?

    12. Talk about where you want to land the stent and overlapping segments?

    13. Can you talk about how you size your stent?

    14. What is your preferred equipment if you have the full gamut available?

    15. What have you seen go wrong by other operators in the past?

    16. What does follow up look like and any follow up imaging?

    17. CME/CE Reflection: Module I

    1. How do these patients usually present to you and what is your workup?

    2. Does anything specific in imaging or history lead your approach when planning your iliocaval reconstruction?

    3. What do you do when the extent of the occlusion is below the GSV?

    4. Can you walk me through your basic setup for an iliocaval recan?

    5. Can you walk me through your escalation technique for crossing an occlusion in a benign case?

    6. How do you know if you're in the right spot when using these sharp recanalization devices?

    7. Walk us through your approach to stent sizing and ballooning

    8. How do you anticoagulate during these procedures?

    9. How do you treat from your posterior tibial vein access?

    10. What is your approach when crossing an occluded stent?

    11. What kind of anticoagulation regimen do you put folks on after the procedure?

    12. What's your followup schedule for these patients?

    13. CME/CE Reflection: Module II

    1. What are different scenarios where you see venous stent thrombosis?

    2. Can you tell us a little about your initial case experience with using a RevCore device?

    3. What's your access site when approaching these cases with this device?

    4. Walk us through your algorithm of how you approach a venous stent thrombosis?

    5. How do you stage the procedure?

    6. Do you feel that the RevCore device has really changed your approach?

    7. What is your technique for crossing a chronically occluded venous stent?

    8. What's the stopping point to say "I'm not going to cross this occluded stent"?

    9. What is your anticoagulant of choice?

    10. CME/CE Reflection: Module III

About this course

  • 40 lessons
  • 2 hours of content
  • Earn up to 3 CME/CE credits