
    1. How did you decide to start a new practice from nothing?

    2. How has having support from the hospital minimized the challenges of building this practice?

    3. How was your experience introducing IR to a hospital and how did you start to build it?

    4. How did you approach getting new equipment to the administration?

    5. Being the solo IR, how does it work when you aren't on call?

    6. When did you start your IR clinic and how does it work?

    7. How has working closely with the administration helped you build out your clinic?

    8. Do you get more business by continuing to do the "non-glamorous" procedures?

    9. CME/CE Reflection: Module I

    1. When you started your new job did you immediately start trying to build things or did you settle in first?

    2. Tell us did you try to grow everything at once or did you look for areas that were in need to build first?

    3. How does not being above any procedure help build your practice?

    4. How did you take PAE from something that didn't exist in your region to one of the largest PAE practices in the southeast?

    5. How did you convince urologists to start referring you patients for PAE?

    6. What do you do post procedure to keep in touch with these patients?

    7. Has it ever gotten so busy that you need to slow down your practice?

    8. How do you keep up with everything in terms of scheduling and follow up?

    9. CME/CE Reflection: Module II

    1. What is your system for building “high end IR” cases in a practice?

    2. How do you deal with the pushback of people assuming you only want to do “high end IR”?

    3. What tips do you have for dealing with administrators who don't want to cooperate?

    4. Any tips for training nurses and techs to prevent physician decision fatigue?

    5. How do you sell the clinic and clinical time to your colleagues?

    6. Where do you see people fail when they are brought into a leadership role?

    7. How do you deal with the older IR generation who fight change?

    8. How do you feel about using mid-levels to do basic cases?

    9. CME/CE Reflection: Module III

About this course

  • 27 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of content
  • Earn up to 3 CME/CE credits