
    1. Introduction: Module I

    2. What does a standard workup look like for you for patients presenting with below the knee CLI?

    3. Tell us about your procedure room and patient prep

    4. How do you initiate your algorithm for CLI interventions and describe the CTOP Classification system?

    5. How are you using vessel prep in your algorithm for below the knee interventions?

    6. What is your go-to for crossing catheters and wires, and what are the challenges with crossing?

    7. How does lesion type affect your approach?

    8. How do you perform serration balloon angioplasty and describe the challenges?

    9. How do you use IVUS to decide what lesion gets what treatment?

    10. When do you know your end point with that vessel or the whole case?

    11. How important is having a fully open plantar arch?

    12. What excites you about the future in this space?

    13. CME/CE Reflection: Module I

    1. Introduction: Module II

    2. What do we mean by Wire Senses and what are the components?

    3. Big loops vs. small loops with wire senses

    4. What is your technique on rotation and pushing the wire?

    5. Combining the 2D and 3D components of the visual senses, how do you look at wire behavior when crossing a CTO?

    6. Tell us about the tactile feel of the wire, resistance and torque transmission

    7. What are the 6 characteristics of wires and how do they relate to feedback?

    8. What is your escalation technique of wire types?

    9. What are the Do's and Dont's in your algorithm?

    10. CME/CE Reflection: Module II

    1. Introduction: Module III

    2. What tissue loss pattern are you seeing in below the ankle disease?

    3. How do you approach tandem disease below the knee?

    4. How do you determine a good endpoint for a wound?

    5. What is your Pedal Loop Technique?

    6. What is your preferred wire for the pedal loop?

    7. What do you do for post intervention follow up?

    8. Are pedal loop interventions overdone?

    9. CME/CE Reflection: Module III

    1. Approach to Below the Ankle Revascularization Case Discussion with Dr. Lorenzo Patrone

About this course

  • 33 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of content
  • Earn up to 3 CME/CE credits